Day 1 → Arrival in Chengdu and arrival in Siguniang town (altitude 3,100 meters)

Each climber should arrive in Chengu before 2 PM to begin the expedition. From there we will provide transportation and drive about 3-4 hours to Siguniang town. In Suguniang town we will settle into our Tibetan style lodging and begin the process of acclimatizing to the altitude.

Day 2 → Siguniang town (altitude 3,100 meters)

The purpose of the second day is to adapt and acclimatize to the high altitude. There is no better place to do this than Siguniang town, a quaint Tibetan style village laden with monasteries. In addition to taking in the place, we will drive to an altitude of above 4,000 meters and take a short hike at the high altitude before heading back to Siguniang town.

Day 3 → Siguniang town to Peak One Base Camp (altitude 4,200 meters)

After a nice warm breakfast, we will set out for Peak One base camp. The hike to base camp is about 12 kilometers and will take about 5-6 hours. A horse can also be rented for an additional cost to take clients to base camp. The scenery is magnificent as we fix our eyes on the snow-capped mountains while herdsmen guide their flocks through the grasslands in the distance.

Day 4 → Peak One Base Camp to Summit (altitude 5,025 meters) and back to Siguniang town (altitude 3,100 meters)

Day four is the day we all have been anticipating, summit day! We will set off from base camp at about 4 AM for the summit and hike about 3-4 hours to reach the summit by 8 AM. After enjoying the scenery we will hike back to base camp (about 2 hours) and from base camp either hike back to Siguniang town (5 hours) or for no additional cost ride a horse back to Siguniang town (2.5 hours). 

Day 5 → Siguniang town to Chengdu (altitude 500 meters)

After a restful nights sleep and a hearty breakfast, we will drive about 3 hours from Siguniang town back to Chengdu. On the way back we will stop and see the famous pandas of China! In the evening we will have a final dinner together and one last night in the hotel.

Day 6 → Departure from Chengdu (altitude 500 meters)

In the morning or afternoon you are free to catch transportation back to your respective destinations.

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